Sunday, June 17, 2012


i've been away all week on a camping vacation in el capitan beach, santa barbara.
the beach is beautiful there,
with big, smooth rocks
and  red colored seaweed.
we hiked the nature trails and saw
thistle , mustard
yarrow  and
poison oak!
my sister and i share a toast to nature (after a few days of no shower or make-up!)
oma made cute crochet collection bags with initials for all the girls
and they collected the things they found to trade.
the kids made gods eyes
to hang from the tent openings
to ward off evil spirits (but only a family of skunks came passing by late at night :)
we cooked our food on this old 70's coleman stove our dad kept from when we were kids
we played
and the cousins shared good times.
i collected plenty of driftwood, rocks and inspiration.
we watched the seals jumping in the ocean and pelicans diving for fish (until the sun set).
and already looking forward to the next time.
 this sweet song  played on the college radio station up there, in santa barbara


  1. Hello from England! I just found your mobiles this morning and i love them! Was thinking about making more myself after i made on for my boy. So inspiring x Emily

  2. thanks emily! i saw the flying mobile you made for your little son.
    your work is wonderful!!!

  3. im jealous lady so so so jealous

  4. ha! sf, it was soooo nice to get away. just gotta do it!
    we'll prob go camping again next month if you want to join us. Am thinking of somewhere more woodsy/mountains close by here: arrowhead, northshore campground. let me know what you think and we'll try to reserve a spot to share 1 or 2 nights?
