Sunday, September 2, 2012

ryden and kush

 studies of artists : mark ryden and vladimir kush in papier mache.
can you guess what the next mobile will be?


  1. I was looking at the photos and getting very excited already to see your next mobile! Really looking forward to it!!XX

  2. thanks annamaria. i'm having so much fun now. can't wait to see what you've been up to too!

  3. WOW. Love these Kim, especially the Ryden tree-trunk. Gorgeous. I'd love to see his meat series as a mobile. A meat-mobile! Can't wait to see what's next...

  4. you are so clever!!! so so so clever.

  5. Oh yes! Fantastic Ryden. Your work is amazing, always!
    I want to show your work in my blog in a section "Gente que hace cosas estupendas" because you make amazing thing. Do you think its ok?

  6. thanks saskia, shellie and
    carmen= yes! yes,i would love if you featured some of my work in your awesome blog anytime!
