Tuesday, January 1, 2013

do the snake!

a mobile to celebrate the new year:
'the year of the snake'

mose tolliver-chickensnake
bill traylor-black snake
howard finster-poison snakes

henry darger- whiplash girlchild snake

charley kinney-rattlesnake
happy new year 2013! do the snake!!!!! 


  1. Happy New Year Kim! I hope the year of the snake is good to us:) wishing you a great 2013!

  2. Thank you Nancy! Yes, and let's get together and hang out this year
    Happy New Year!

  3. Wishing you a super happy year of the snake!! :D
    This mobile is awesome. I love all your versions of those paintings especially the one of henry darger. I haven't seen before those girlchild snakes!!

  4. happy new year lady! and snakes snakes on a blankety blank plane. i could help myself.
