Wednesday, May 15, 2013

the collective good

the collective good is a brand new shop opening next month in the yukon! my friend jen (former co-owner of the modern-burl pop-up) took a year off to have a baby... and now is opening a shop of her own. whitehorse, yukon is another planet far far away. i've learned of many wild and interesting things while making a collection of mobiles she has comissioned for the shop opening. the yukon boasts of mysterious roadside enormous mammoth statues, the world's largest airplane weathervane, a colorful downtown with quaint vintage style movie theatres and the most popular grocery item is blue star's whole chicken in a 3lb can!! impossible
have a look:
i'm having so much fun with this collection and there will be much more to come in the series..the dueling moose atop a log cabin for example (just one of many exciting things to see in the yukon)
stay tuned for more!
am seriously checking out the fabulous yukon bed and breakfast getaways for summer.


  1. You always put a smile on my face with your gorgeous work Kim! Good luck with booking a bed and breakfast in the Yukon. Sounds terrific, and I am sure we will see the fruit of all the inspiration you discover there! Happy weekend to you;-)

  2. this is beyond phenomenal! I can't believe you made this from pictures. How fun would it be to see you & your gang up here. I must warn you, they are calling for flurries (that's snow) today and tomorrow so bring your parkas.

  3. thank you annamaria! and jen, i just saw the snow flurries or sleet pics from yukon you posted on your fb page. yikes! i'll bet the summers are beautiful there!
