Friday, August 2, 2013

el capitan

i'm back from my camping vacation on the coast in santa barbara. wonderful and fun as always with my sister and the kids


  1. Great looking holiday Kim. I remember Santa Barbara coast. So gorgeous. *sigh*
    Two things have intrigued me – are they Australian gum trees in the first photo?? I guess they'd grow really well in LA. And - what is that amazing round structure? Is it a house? LOVE it.

  2. saskia, i had to google the 'australian gum tree' and yes! they are eucalyptus!! they grow great here... we have one in our front yard too. i guess they are imported from australia? not sure how they got there but they are all over the santa barbara coastline. that dome is a house in goleta near the university of santa barbara. we found it while driving for pizza after a day at the beach. i'm thinking late 60's 's/early 70's era. would be fun to go inside!

  3. Kim, have just had a great history lesson thanks to you! Found this ace article about how Eucalypts came to California. Read the whole thing with my morning coffee (or 2)! I love gum trees, such a beautiful smell. We have one in our garden too. Tony (husband) just told me he remembers Eucalypts being around the Presidio in San Fran. I must've been too distracted by everything else at the time – didn't notice the trees.
    Love the dome house, and its windows!
    God, sorry Kim, this comment has turned into a mini blog post!!

  4. whaa??!! saskia,that's the link to yer roast beef i think!!! haaa! but i found this info on eucalyptus in california
    wow! great history lesson! i think everything from california is imported from somewhere...except maybe the sage and some tumbleweeds and cactus...

  5. Oh man. How embarrassing. I must've had roast beef on the brain (or not pressed the 'C' button properly on the link)! This is the story I found:
    Will have a read of your link now too. xx

  6. wow! that was very informative and fascinating! thanks saskia, always learning something new w you!

  7. wow. that looks like so much fun!! actually kim tumble weeds are from russia.

  8. whoaaa!!i thought you were kidding me about the tumbleweeds sf!! and then i googled and found "flax seed brought from russian immigrants in the 1800's was contaminated with tumbleweed seed"! oh yea!!
