Thursday, August 22, 2013

paper arrows

a sweet little custom order of arrows for a child's nursery. made with bamboo shish-kabob skewers from the grocery store. i cut these to 8" size and painted them with different color stripes.  the tips and feathers are shapes i cut from cardboard and covered in papier mache and paint... then glue
and voila! it's a fun and simple d.i.y. just for you
p.s.  be sure to listen to big chief while making them!


  1. Professor Longhair is such a cat isn't he! That just pepped me up this morning much better than a third coffee would have. Love the arrows Kim. Both my boys are obsessed with archery at the moment after going to a kid's birthday party at an archery place. Much prefer the idea of paper arrows than those spooky real ones!

  2. how cute are those lady!!! super! what about the arrows of love???
