Friday, August 17, 2012

yves kleimobile

my mobile celebration of 'nouveau realism' artist yves klein
who inspired minimal art as well as pop art and a pioneer of performance art.
blue brilliance!


annamaria potamiti said...

I love the mobiles but I also adore this idea of yours to celebrate artists and their work! Brilliant!XX

Kim Baise said...

thanks annamaria!it's also been a great way to educate myself and kids (& hopefully others) about these important artists and their works/styles. having fun! i hope you are too, i will come over and see ;)

Meine Dinge Franka said...

What a lovely blue post!

♥ Franka

Kim Baise said...

thanks franka, i used a special new 'neon blue' paint for this yves klein-mobile. the photos don't do it looks much brighter in reality