Monday, April 29, 2013

rock lobster mobile

featruring:  claire the mermaid w neon pink beehive hairdo, rock lobster, pink clam, narwahl, jellyfish,  silly shark and a golden anchor
it's in the shop!


  1. Love it Kim, especially the pink clam. And thanks for the music - needed a little lift at work this afternoon. Feeling so drowsy. I've missed a few of your recent posts – lovely scrolling through all the pics. Your GIANT thrift store has made me a wee bit jealous.

  2. hi saskia, thanks! there's actually a few giant thrift stores around here and the pasadena rose-bowl flea market rocks!! glad you liked the music..always seems to go hand in hand with my art as it's playing in our house all the time. gotta catch up on some blogs now too
