Friday, May 3, 2013

the week

on monday i went to the l.a. zoo with my 3 yr old son and his pre-school class. we didn't see any camels but i got this cute patchwork pillow. 
 we did see a lot of pretty pink flamingos!!
on tuesesday i went thrifting and found this little japanese kokeshi doll that looks like me :)
on wednesday i bought a new succulent called a 'white sprite'
on thursday nancy from prettylittlethieves came by to help me hang some art for a project
and now it's already friday! little sid is happy because he made a new friend,
photographer emily ulmer came by to take some pitures with him today for a magazine shoot.
can't wait to see her photos and the magazine when it comes out.
i'll keep you posted as i have some new art that will be featured in a d.i.y.
cute song on the pop radio now   enjoy the week-end!


  1. Congratz to you,and your son! Sounds like a good week!Have a lovely weekend;-)

  2. thank you annamaria, yes it's been a good week. wishing you a wonderful week-end to. i'll stop by and say hi!

  3. Nice post Kim! Hah - love your kokeshi doppelganger! Oh my GOD you have flamingoes at your zoo? I'm yet to see a real live one. Beautiful cactus. Louis (my 9 year old) was given $20 for his birthday which he chose to spend on a cactus. He has a little cactus garden outside, which he's very proud of. Curious about Sid's magazine feature, and your wall hanging arrangement (love the painting in the middle). Have a lovely week!
